FITS ヘッダ例

各観測装置のFITSヘッダ例はハワイ観測所の Web サイト

からたどれる各装置のWebページを参照されたい。ここでは典型的な例としてHSCのヘッダ例をあげる。すばる望遠鏡 FITS 規約などと照合してみると興味深いであろう。


         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9
SIMPLE  =                    T / conforms to FITS standard                      
BITPIX  =                   16 / array data type                                
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of array dimensions                     
NAXIS1  =                 2144 / length of data axis 1                          
NAXIS2  =                 4241 / length of data axis 2                          
EXTEND  =                    F / FITS dataset may contain extensions            
BUNIT   = 'ADU     '           / Unit of original pixel value                   
BSCALE  =           1.00000000 / Default scaling factor                         
BZERO   =       32768.00000000 / Offset data range to that of unsigned short    
BLANK   =               -32768 / Value used for NULL pixels                     
TIMESYS = 'UTC     '           / Time System used in the header                 
DATE-OBS= '2018-04-24'         / [UTC] Observation start date  (yyyy-mm-dd)     
UT-STR  = '07:59:23.053'       / HH:MM:SS.S UTC at the start exposure time      
HST-STR = '21:59:23.053'       / HH:MM:SS.S HST at the beginning of exp.        
LST-STR = '11:46:41.118'       / HH:MM:SS.SSS LST at the beginning of exposure  
MJD-STR =       58232.33290571 / [d] Mod.Julian Date at the start of exposure   
UT      = '07:59:23.082'       / HH:MM:SS.S typical UTC at the exposure         
HST     = '21:59:23.082'       / HH:MM:SS.S Typical HST at exposure             
LST     = '11:46:41.148'       / HH:MM:SS.SSS Typical LST at exposure           
MJD     =       58232.33290605 / [d] Mod. Julian Date at typical time           
UT-END  = '07:59:54.806'       / HH:MM:SS.S UTC at the end of the exposure      
HST-END = '21:59:54.806'       / HH:MM:SS.S HST at the end of exposure          
LST-END = '11:47:12.958'       / HH:MM:SS.SSS LST at the end of exposure        
MJD-END =       58232.33327322 / [d] Mod.Julian Date at the end of exposure     
ZD-STR  =             17.93360 / [degree] Zenith Distance at exposure start tim 
ZD-END  =             17.94613 / [degree] Zenith Distance at exposure end time  
SECZ-STR=                1.051 / SEC(Zenith Distance) at exposure start time    
SECZ-END=                1.051 / SEC(Zenith Distance) at exposure end time      
AIRMASS =                1.051 / Average airmass during exposure                
AZIMUTH =            185.56174 / [degree] Azimuth of tel-pointing. 0:S->90:W    
ALTITUDE=             72.06640 / [degree] Altitude ang. of telescope pointing   
PROP-ID = 'o18406  '           / Proposal ID                                    
OBSERVER= 'Terai, Takagi'      / Names of the Observers                         
FRAMEID = 'HSCA14737600'       / Image sequential number in archive             
EXP-ID  = 'HSCE00147376'       / ID of exposure (shot) for this data            
DATASET = 'NODATA  '           / ID of dataset this data were taken             
OBS-MOD = 'IMAG    '           / Observation Mode                               
OBS-ALOC= 'Observation'        / Allocation Mode                                
DATA-TYP= 'OBJECT  '           / Characteristics of this data                   
OBJECT  = 'SSP-Wide'           / Object                                         
RA      = '11:38:52.855'       / Right ascension of telescope pointing          
DEC     = '+02:04:30.02'       / Declination of telescope pointing              
RA2000  = '11:38:52.855'       / Right ascension of telescope pointing (J2000)  
DEC2000 = '+02:04:30.02'       / Declination of telescope pointing (J2000)      
RADESYS = 'FK5     '           / The equatorial coordinate system               
EQUINOX =               2000.0 / [y] Equinox                                    
CTYPE1  = 'RA---TAN'           / Pixel coordinate system                        
CRPIX1  =              -5343.5 / [pixel] Reference pixel in x                   
CRVAL1  =         174.72022917 / Physical value of the reference pixel in x     
CUNIT1  = 'degree  '           / Units used in both CRVAL1 and CD matrix        
CTYPE2  = 'DEC--TAN'           / Pixel coordinate system                        
CRPIX2  =               4128.5 / [pixel] Reference pixel in y                   
CRVAL2  =           2.07500556 / Physical value of the reference pixel in y     
CUNIT2  = 'degree  '           / Units used in both CRVAL2 and CD matrix        
CD1_1   =           0.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate transformation matrix         
CD1_2   =          -0.00004722 / Pixel Coordinate transformation matrix         
CD2_1   =           0.00004722 / Pixel Coordinate transformation matrix         
CD2_2   =           0.00000000 / Pixel Coordinate transformation matrix         
LONPOLE =                180.0 / [degree] The North Pole of standard system     
WCS-ORIG= 'Rough estimation'   / Origin/quality of the WCS values               
OBSERVAT= 'NAOJ    '           / Observatory                                    
TELESCOP= 'Subaru  '           / Telescope name                                 
FOC-POS = 'PRIME   '           / Position of the instrument focus unit          
TELFOCUS= 'P_OPT2  '           / The Focus where beam reaches                   
FOC-VAL =                3.470 / [mm] Encoder value of the focus unit           
FILTER01= 'HSC-z   '           / Filter barcode                                 
EXPTIME =                30.00 / [sec] Exposure time                            
INSTRUME= 'Hyper Suprime-Cam'  / Name of instrument                             
DETECTOR= 'notSet  '           / Name of the detector/CCD                       
DET-ID  =                   73 / Sequential number assigned for the entire CCDs 
DET-TMP =              -100.81 / [degC] CCD Temperature value                   
DET-TMED=                 0.00 / [Kelvin] Median of the detector temperature    
DET-TMIN=                 0.00 / [Kelvin] Minimum of the detector temperature   
DET-TMAX=                 0.00 / [Kelvin] Maximum of the detector temperature   
GAIN    =                0.000 / [electron/ADU] AD conversion factor            
BIN-FCT1=                    1 / Binning factor of axis 1                       
BIN-FCT2=                    1 / Binning factor of axis 2                       
DET-VER = 'notSet  '           / Version of the detector control command        
INS-VER = 'notSet  '           / Version of the instrument (hard/soft)          
WEATHER = 'Fine    '           / Weather condition                              
SEEING  =                 0.00 / [arcsec] FWHM of the star at telescope focus   
ADC-TYPE= 'LINK    '           / ADC state                                      
ADC-STR =                0.000 / [degree] ADC pos. ang. at the start of exposur 
ADC-END =                0.000 / [degree] ADC pos. ang. at the end of exposure  
INR-STR =                5.256 / [degree] Inst. rotator angle at start          
INR-END =                5.659 / [degree] Inst. rotator angle at end            
DOM-WND =                 0.10 / [m/s] Wind speed in the dome/enclosure         
OUT-WND =                 2.20 / [m/s] Wind speed outside dome/enclosure        
DOM-TMP =               278.85 / [Kelvin] Atm. temp. in the dome/enclosure      
OUT-TMP =               276.35 / [Kelvin] Atm. temp. outside the dome/encl.     
DOM-HUM =                 22.9 / [%] Humidity in the dome                       
OUT-HUM =                 20.7 / [%] Humidity outside the dome/encl.            
DOM-PRS =               622.40 / [hPa] Atm. pressure in the dome                
OUT-PRS =               622.40 / [hPa] Atm. press. outside the dome/encl.       
INST-PA =                0.000 / [degree] Position Angle of the Instrument Flang
M2-POS1 =               -2.710 / [mm] Stewart Platform x-value                  
M2-POS2 =               -4.643 / [mm] Stewart Platform y-value                  
M2-POS3 =                5.014 / [mm] Stewart Platform z-value                  
M2-ANG1 =                1.000 / [arcmin] Stewart Platform x-rotation angle     
M2-ANG2 =                2.500 / [arcmin] Stewart Platform y-rotation angle     
M2-ANG3 =                0.000 / [arcmin] Stewart Platform z-rotation angle     
MOON-ILL=                0.661 / Moon illumination at exposure start            
MOON-SEP=               32.355 / [degree] Moon seperation at exposure start     
MOON-EL =               59.292 / [degree] Moon Elevation at exposure start      
OB-ID   = 'Chunk23_z1'         / Que: Observing Block ID                        
OB-COUNT=                    1 / Que: Number of observing block repetition      
PROP-PI = 'Satoshi Miyazaki'   / Que: Name of proposal PI                       
REQ-FWHM=                1.100 / [arcsec] Que: Requested seeing size            
REQ-TRAN=                0.700 / Que: Requested transparency                    
REQ-MPHA= 'dark+gray'          / Que: Requested Moon phase                      
REQ-MSEP=               30.000 / [degree] Que: Requested Moon seperation        
RAWPIREQ=                    F / Que: PI Requirements Met                       
RAWSUBQA= 'Pending '           / Que: Subaru Quality Assessment                 
COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------            
COMMENT ------------- PARAMETERS FOR HYPER SUPRIME_CAM -------------            
COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------            
T_HEDVER= '116 CCDs for Summit4' / 2014/03/06 Updated by Utsumi, Y.             
T_CFGFIL= '20160330.cfg'       / Configuration for formatting FITS data         
T_UFNAME= '/raid/S18A/20180423/object068_0_00.fits' / Original filename         
T_NFRAME=                  112 / Number of total frames                         
T_BEEID =                    0 / ID for BEE used for CCD readout                
T_SDOID =                    0 / SDO-ID of CCD                                  
T_GAIN1 =                3.620 / Gain for channel 1                             
T_GAIN2 =                3.590 / Gain for channel 2                             
T_GAIN3 =                3.840 / Gain for channel 3                             
T_GAIN4 =                3.970 / Gain for channel 4                             
T_CCDID = 'undefined'          / Name of CCD                                    
T_CCDSN = '099     '           / CCD Serial Number                              
T_CCDTV =              -100.81 / [degC] CCD Temperature value                   
T_CCDTM = '21:59:48'           / CCD Temperature retrieve time                  
T_XFLIP =                    F / CCD readout is x-flipped when create image     
T_YFLIP =                    F / CCD readout is y-flipped when create image     
T_SHTDIR=                    2 / The number shows which screen moved            
T_AG    =                    F / AG Exposure                                    
T_M2OFF1=               -1.800 / [mm] Stewart Platform offset in x              
T_M2OFF2=               -2.600 / [mm] Stewart Platform offset in y              
T_M2OFF3=                3.470 / [mm] Stewart Platform offset in z              
T_PROG  = 'SSP-Wide'           / Name of research program                       
T_PNTGID= 'W-04-010261-01-00000' / Pointing ID of this exposure                 
T_PURPOS= 'CALIB_PHOTM'        / Purpose of this exposure                       
T_DATSET= 'NODATA  '           / Dataset to which this exposure belongs         
T_SEEING=                 0.00 / [arcsec] Average seeing for an exposure        
T_TRANSP=                0.000 / Transparency measured from SDSS field          
T_MAGZER=                0.000 / [mag/sec/ADU] Magnitude zero point (ZP)        
T_SCOUNT=                0.000 / [ADU] Sky level                                
T_WEATHR= 'Unknown '           / Weather condition from HSC on-site QA system   
T_PSFELL=                0.000 / Ellipticity of PFS                             
T_PSFPA =                0.000 / [degree] Direction of semi-major axis of PFS   
T_NOBJ  =                    0 / Number of objects detected                     
T_WCSRMS=                0.000 / Fitting error in temporary WCS correction      
T_ZPRMS =                0.000 / Fitting error in temporary magnitude zeropoint 
T_N_WCS =                0.000 / Number of objects in temporary WCS correction  
T_N_ZP  =                0.000 / Number of objects used for correction of ZP    
T_FOCOFF=                0.000 / [mm] Offset of focus position from the best foc
T_OSLVL =                0.000 / [ADU] Overscan level                           
T_FLTNSS=                0.000 / [%] Flatness of sky level after flat fielding  
T_PHOT  = 'TBD     '           / Frame for photometric calibration              
T_BIAS  = 'TBD     '           / Frame for bias correction                      
T_DARK  = 'TBD     '           / Frame for dark correction                      
T_DOME  = 'TBD     '           / Frame for domeflat                             
T_SKY   = 'TBD     '           / Frame for skyflat                              
T_OSMN11=                  521 / MIN pixel of x-overscan region for ch1         
T_OSMX11=                  536 / MAX pixel of x-overscan region for ch1         
T_EFMN11=                    9 / MIN pixel of x-effective range for ch1         
T_EFMX11=                  520 / MAX pixel of x-effective range for ch1         
T_OSMN12=                 4226 / MIN pixel of y-overscan region for ch1         
T_OSMX12=                 4241 / MAX pixel of y-overscan region for ch1         
T_EFMN12=                   50 / MIN pixel of y-effective range for ch1         
T_EFMX12=                 4225 / MAX pixel of y-effective range for ch1         
T_OSMN21=                  537 / MIN pixel of x-overscan region for ch2         
T_OSMX21=                  552 / MAX pixel of x-overscan region for ch2         
T_EFMN21=                  553 / MIN pixel of x-effective range for ch2         
T_EFMX21=                 1064 / MAX pixel of x-effective range for ch2         
T_OSMN22=                 4226 / MIN pixel of y-overscan region for ch2         
T_OSMX22=                 4241 / MAX pixel of y-overscan region for ch2         
T_EFMN22=                   50 / MIN pixel of y-effective range for ch2         
T_EFMX22=                 4225 / MAX pixel of y-effective range for ch2         
T_OSMN31=                 1593 / MIN pixel of x-overscan region for ch3         
T_OSMX31=                 1608 / MAX pixel of x-overscan region for ch3         
T_EFMN31=                 1081 / MIN pixel of x-effective range for ch3         
T_EFMX31=                 1592 / MAX pixel of x-effective range for ch3         
T_OSMN32=                 4226 / MIN pixel of y-overscan region for ch3         
T_OSMX32=                 4241 / MAX pixel of y-overscan region for ch3         
T_EFMN32=                   50 / MIN pixel of y-effective range for ch3         
T_EFMX32=                 4225 / MAX pixel of y-effective range for ch3         
T_OSMN41=                 1609 / MIN pixel of x-overscan region for ch4         
T_OSMX41=                 1624 / MAX pixel of x-overscan region for ch4         
T_EFMN41=                 1625 / MIN pixel of x-effective range for ch4         
T_EFMX41=                 2136 / MAX pixel of x-effective range for ch4         
T_OSMN42=                 4226 / MIN pixel of y-overscan region for ch4         
T_OSMX42=                 4241 / MAX pixel of y-overscan region for ch4         
T_EFMN42=                   50 / MIN pixel of y-effective range for ch4         
T_EFMX42=                 4225 / MAX pixel of y-effective range for ch4         



国立天文台 天文データセンター

FITS の手引き 第7.0版

2019年2月12日 第1刷 発行

1993年 1月20日 第1版 発行
1996年 1月23日 第2版 発行
1997年12月 8日 第3版 発行
1998年 9月 4日 第3.1版 発行
1999年 3月13日 第3.2版 発行
2000年 3月14日 第4版 発行
2001年 2月28日 第4.1版 発行
2004年 2月10日 第5版 発行
2007年 1月26日 第5.1版 発行
2010年 1月30日 第5.2版 発行
2013年 1月24日 第5.3版 発行
2016年 5月25日 第6.0版 発行
2019年 2月12日 第7.0版 発行

編著者: 金光理 ( (代表)

監修者: 天文情報処理研究会(

発行者: 国立天文台 天文データセンター

Osamu Kanamitsu